Sunday, August 28, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

shit happens

ya know that feeling you get when someone tells you, "We need to talk?" or anything along the lines of that? yeah. that feeling sucks. you're stomach drops, you get light headed and your mind starts racing trying to think of all the things you might have done to piss this person off.

well that happened to me today. i love it when i dont do anything wrong, i still get people mad at me. i didnt do anything wrong, i was just replying to a friend, not ratting you out. but whatever. its kinda like, if you didnt want people to know, then you shouldnt have done it. thats just my opinion.

crazy girl

im just gonna say this right off the bat, this blog was created so that i could bitch about my life and tell the world wide web about my feelings. i dont really care if people dont read this. im just doing it because i have no one else who wants to listen to me bitch for hours about stupid shit that i dont even know how to explain.